Part 38: Vincent, Part I
Chapter 38 - Vincent, Part I
Our buggy fixed, readily we journeyed

further north towards a place long we wished to see.

A haunted town of name Nibelheim

Though revealed to our eyes brightly,

'tis but a shadow of what there should be -

For the tales of yore do tell

of fire and flames and death and bone.

But this mystery, soul-devouring

We must face and fight, no matter how grim.

To the inn we go, our soul scouring

through the lies of a place once called home.

We ask the innkeeper, do tell your story -

"is it of fire and flames and death and bone?

How can this town be still in its former glory

When it's been burned and seared and scorched the stone?"

But the innkeeper intent in deceiving

Spouted lies, still misleading,

And angrily gushed the words - "Begone!"

Upstairs we'd march, to find next

A strange person, this shadowy figure,

with only a cloak and his tattoo number "six".

From him we took this ghastly mixture,

while his madness spoke with no tone or context.

Surely our minds must be playing tricks, but have we not heard about this so called "Reunion"?

A woman next door, this foul neighborhood

in lying and deceiving is sure hellbent!

But since our hearts, filled with contempt

Are held by no barriers, clouded by no mist,

We tell the truth to ears undeserving,

in this cold hell - the truth unnerving -

and again are met with the words - "Begone!"

As we set ourselves to leaving we're bestowed another mystery.

Another sickly ghost, a shadow by the fire

And his mumblings too are ghostly, his words grim and dire.

We move to the next house, the way getting darker

And approach this old lady in this house I used to live.

"What happened" - I asked her - "What happened to this house I used to live?"

"What happened to the fire and flame and seared scorched stone?"

Again we're shuned, as if we're not to believe

And the lady uttered the words - "Begone!"

The next house, too, we find haunted

by another wraith whispering words about the cloaked one we seek.

Such horrors, such mystery, that daunted

I find myself! Why to these creatures I must speak?

"Tell me, tell me what that meeting is. Where is the cloaked one we seek?"

In agony, I searched, to find only trinkets

And words without answer, until I looked at the table where Tifa's letters used to sit.

There I found this thing most wicked

This letter so revealing describing the horrors that Hojo had wrought!

Wrecked by these news so disturbing, by the webs so thick that these words have broken

in there I sat and played my sadness in a woeful melancholic song -

To no end, methought, but it seems I was fooled -

In the piano I found an omen, once again I felt strong.

And in this horror story that I find myself into

I stand in front of a mansion so dead and bleak

The ghosts speak of a terror all-encompassing

Will I, at last, find what I seek?
Next Update:
The horrors, oh such terrible darkness!